We will help you sell high-ticket items through social media using our proven five-step process. If you use this simple approach, you’ll be able to sell anything people are looking for, including cars, boats, services, or products.

1. The importance of selecting a desired product cannot be overstated.

If you want to drive leads and phone calls on your high-ticket item, you need to choose a product that “stops the scroll.” It must be surprising and memorable. It must be attractive enough to draw the searcher’s attention away from what he or she was doing and direct it to your ad.

In our experience, the most visually appealing, attention-grabbing products tend to have beautiful exteriors, unexpected designs, uncommon colors, and other features that set them apart from similar products.

2. Choosing a great offer is important.

It’s a good idea to include your “offer” directly in your ad. The best offers will make your creative more eye-catching because they will seem affordable. People with various income demographics should be able to access your product with great offers, not just the highest earners.

Showing a low finance or lease payment, for example, can help you attract attention to your product. It is best to keep the payment as low as possible since the lower it is, the more engagement you’ll likely gain.

We took a high-ticket item (a new roof) and made it affordable for everyone with a $99/month package. The average person does not want to spend $5K – $8K on a roof.

However, the peace of mind they’ll receive will likely be worth $99 per month. A second advertisement positions the roof as an investment in a way that rewards the buyer!

3. Construct your ads in the form of a funnel.

Facebook ads should be treated as a “funnel.” To put it another way, you should group your ads at least two at a time. Your first ad should engage a wide audience and allow you to build a good-sized “custom audience” for your second ad. This custom audience is the group of people whom you will “retarget.” By advertising in this way, you make many people aware of your potential solution, while only spending additional ad dollars on those who are most likely to buy from you. In general, the process looks like this:

Awareness > Consideration > Decision

Engage a lot of people with your pretty ad, then Retarget the most active users and ask them to take action (fill out a form, visit a landing page, etc.)

Adding Google Ads to your high-ticket digital marketing strategy would be the icing on the cake.  Find out how Google Ads can help you sell more high-ticket items here.

4. You should be prepared to respond at any time.

You will likely see many leads flooding your inbox if you follow the steps outlined, many comments from people asking for information, and many messages through Facebook Messenger. Keep this in mind so you don’t get caught off guard. As these opportunities arise, someone needs to be prepared to handle them. You may want to consider giving multiple people on your team access to your Facebook admin account so that comments can be responded to quickly.

When responding to comments, take them offline whenever possible. If someone asks a question about your offer, consider answering it publicly first. Once you have the person’s phone number and email address, send them a private message. You can use the word track, “Hi James! Shelly here from XYZ Company. Would be happy to have someone from our customer care department reach out to answer all of your questions. What is the best number at which you can be reached?”

Everything should be treated as a lead.

5. Maintain an effective tracking system.

You should track how much you spend on your ad campaigns and the cost per lead you generate.
Consider comparing these figures to the revenue your campaigns generated.

If you see a positive return on investment from your advertising, you may want to consider investing more. Every dollar invested returns a higher amount to your bank account, so why not? A campaign that loses money, however, is a sign that something needs to be done to reevaluate and try something new. Having a profitable campaign takes practice and optimization, so don’t give up altogether.

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